Contact Lens Exams and Fittings in Wasaga Beach, ON

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Enjoy Comfortable Contact Lens

Using advanced diagnostic equipment, we will measure the surface curvature of your eye. These measurements will be used to inform us as to which brands and styles of contacts (that match your prescription, of course) we will recommend to you.

Because of our accurate measurement process, our patients enjoy wearing contacts with minimal irritation or discomfort.

Scleral Contact Lenses Are Ideal for People Who Are Traditionally Unsuitable for Contacts

If you have been told that you are not suitable for contacts due to the shape of your eye, visit us to learn more about how Scleral contact lenses can benefit you. We have helped hundreds of people with similar unsuitability enjoy the freedom of contact lenses and we’d love to help you too!

Book Your Eye Exam Before Ordering Contacts

If you have never been given a prescription for contacts before, it is important that you have an eye exam done before ordering (especially if you are considering ordering contacts online). Contacts that don’t take your prescription and eye measurements into consideration will not only be ineffective, but uncomfortable to wear as well.

Are Contact Lenses a Good Option For You?

While we love the convenience and aesthetic value of contact lenses, they aren’t for everyone. During your eye exam we will go over your options for corrective lenses – including contacts – and determine which options make the most sense for you.

After your eye exam and measuring, we will likely present you with trials from leading manufacturers that fit your prescription. These trials will give you an opportunity to try a few different styles of contacts to determine which you are happiest with.

We Will Run You Through Contact Lens “Do’s and Don’ts”

From how to put them in to how often you should have your prescription updated, we will provide you with the information you need to enjoy wearing contact lenses.

  • Always put your contact lenses in solution – Water, saliva, soda water, and anything else that is not a specifically-prepared contact lens solution can cause damage to both your contacts and your eyes.
  • Do not wear your contacts overnight – Unless otherwise specified, contact lenses should not be worn overnight. Doing so may cause irritation, redness, and potentially significant discomfort.
  • Do not wear contacts if you have an eye injury – You may not think that small scratch on your eye is that bad until you cover it with a contact lens- ouch! Let your eye breathe and heal after an injury and wear glasses instead.

What You’ll find at Georgian Bay Optometry Clinic

Excellent Eye Care in Wasaga Beach

Excellent Eye Care in Wasaga Beach

Many people still think that they need to commute to Barrie or the GTA to get the eye care they need. Our clinic – located in Wasaga Beach – has the equipment and staff needed to conduct comprehensive eye exams, specialized diagnostic testing, dress eyewear and sunglass styling and fitting, contact lens fittings, and more. Visit us in-store to see what we can do for you.

Many people still think that they need to commute to Barrie or the GTA to get the eye care they need. Our clinic – located in Wasaga Beach – has the equipment and staff needed to conduct comprehensive eye exams, specialized diagnostic testing, dress eyewear and sunglass styling and fitting, contact lens fittings, and more. Visit us in-store to see what we can do for you.

A Family Focused Optical Clinic

A Family Focused Optical Clinic

Our Optometrics are local to the Wasaga Beach area and are raising their own families here. Many eye diseases are best treated when caught and addressed early. For this reason, we stress the importance of preventative eye care for all family members

Our Optometrics are local to the Wasaga Beach area and are raising their own families here. Many eye diseases are best treated when caught and addressed early. For this reason, we stress the importance of preventative eye care for all family members

Advanced Technology

Advanced Technology

At GBOC we have advanced Imaging equipment called the Cirrus HD-OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography). The OCT not only takes pictures of the eye, it can also take direct cross-sectional images of the retina and optic nerve thereby screening for eye disease such as macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease, and glaucoma. It is a very useful tool for early diagnosis and management of eye disease.

At GBOC we have advanced Imaging equipment called the Cirrus HD-OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography). The OCT not only takes pictures of the eye, it can also take direct cross-sectional images of the retina and optic nerve thereby screening for eye disease such as macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease, and glaucoma. It is a very useful tool for early diagnosis and management of eye disease.

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Georgian Bay Optometry Clinic

You can find us on the corner of Mosley Street and 22nd Street North. Our clinic is wheelchair accessible and has ample parking. See us today!


1026 Mosley Street
Wasaga Beach, ON L9Z 2G7

Contact Us

Phone: 705.422.0020
Fax: 705.422.0120
[email protected]


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