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Category: Vision Health Concerns

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Dry Eye

Dry eye disease is very common in Canada, especially in the higher prairies and mountainous provinces. It is so prevalent that it is estimated that one out of every three Canadians experience some degree of dry eyes. Many of these occurrences can be easily treated with over the counter eye drops, however there are some […]

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While many common allergies have people searching for treatments for skin rashes or nasal congestion, allergies can also affect the eyes in a multitude of ways. Red, itching eyes and swollen eyelids are the most common effects of allergies on the eyes, and rarely if ever pose a threat to vision apart from mild blurriness, […]

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Over 2.5 million Canadians suffer from cataracts in some form, including full vision loss (blackout blindness). Along with glaucoma, it is one of the primary, preventable causes of blindness in North America. As the eye ages, the lens at the front of the eye in the cornea begins to break down and harden. As the […]

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Glaucoma is a serious eye condition that can lead to blindness or vision loss of varying degrees, and is one of the most common, preventable causes of blindness in Canadians. In fact, glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide, following only behind cataracts. It occurs when fluid inside the eye builds up – […]

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